Action Auto Door provide professional installation of Automatic Disabled Toilet Doors in businesses and homes. We can provide consultation and installation across Australia. For a free no obligation quote contact us.
Our disabled toilet doors meet the AS 5007-2007 and AS 1428.1-2009 standards and are designed to make it easy to enter and exit the bathroom and toilet. Disabled toilet doors can be automated by hands free sensors or by push buttons. Both swing doors and sliding doors can be automated.
All automatic disabled toilet systems meet Australian building standards and codes. Our quality European automatic door operators meet stringent European standards for design and accessibility.

Disabled Access
- Our automatic disabled toilet doors can be installed at the entrance of the disabled toilet with an identified disabled push button door opener to open and close the door via the buttons.
- They can also be installed with automatic sensors for hands free functionality
- When installing and designing an automatic disabled toilet door system it is important to ensure accessibility meets Australian building standards.
Safety and privacy are assured with our automatic disabled toilet doors. All operators have a built in anti pass back system so the door can only be locked when there is a person in the toilet.
- To further strengthen the safety features there is an override function on the outside, the open and close buttons have braille underneath for the vision impaired and a voice activated system that can be used to open and close the doors.
- We also install emergency access buttons inside the bathrooms to provide added safety in the case of an emergency situation.
- The disabled toilet door remains open for a pre programmed amount of time to allow enough time to safely enter and exit the bathroom cubicle.

Automatic disabled toilet doors are a common feature in shopping centres and commercial buildings. Building a functional system that is easy to use is an important feature and requires expertise in disability access doors.
Action Auto Door are leading providers of automatic disabled door entry systems. We work with your business to provide advice on meeting regulatory requirements within Australia. We install automatic door openers on swing doors and sliding doors.
As a registered NDIS Provider we can help NDIS clients with any home automation requirements. Contact us today for further information and a free quote.